Ways in Which You are Damaging Your Teeth.

A person’s smile has the power to make someone’s day and that smile depends on your teeth. In this article, we take a look at the daily stuff that actually causes damage to your pearly whites.

A pleasant bright smile can make a person look richer and could help them in impactful ways that cannot be explained. There are ways in which we knowingly or unknowingly damage our beautiful smile. These activities do not happen once in a blue moon but actually, take place in our day to day lives.

Dentzz reviews help you understand how simple activities can actually be harming your teeth.  

  • Eating Dry Fruits

People might think eating dried fruits can help you achieve your necessary nutrients for the day but dried fruits such as raisins are packed with sugar which could lead to tooth decay and corrosion. The best way to enjoy healthy teeth and fruit treats is to consume them in small doses and brushing your teeth twice.

  • Pen and Pencil chewing

Our teeth are not designed to chew on hard objects. Chewing on pens and pencils can cause distortion in teeth and create stress fractures. To keep your teeth healthy, you can try chewing gum but you shouldn’t overdo it.

  • Sugar-free fizzy drinks

People think consuming sugar-free soda can help prevent tooth decay and corrosion but the acidic nature of the drink is enough to harm your teeth.

  • Dehydration

Dehydration can cause your mouth to turn dry. A dry mouth results in saliva reduction. Saliva is the main component that helps dilute the acid content in the foods we consume thus it could lead to cavities and corrosion. Make sure to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.

  • Citrus Drinks

Grapefruit juice or other such citrus drinks contain large amounts of acid that can erode your teeth enamel over the course of time. The least acidic citrus juice is Orange juice.

  • Clenching and grinding teeth

Some people have a habit of clenching or grinding their teeth when under stress or an involuntary phenomenon that they can’t prevent. These activities can cause micro fractures to your teeth due to the immense pressure exerted on them. According to Dentzz reviews, dentists might suggest using a night guard to solve the problem

  • Flavored herbal tea

Research has found flavored herbal tea to be a reason for corrosion of teeth. Flavors containing lemon, blackcurrant, and raspberry have been found out to possess the rotting capabilities.

Implants are the New Trend in Dental Practices

Implants are the best thing happening on the way to oral healthy and natural teeth.

A dental implant embedded in your jaw feels, fits and functions similar to a natural tooth. They are strong and stable, and the best replacement for a lost tooth. They are embedded by an experienced dentist specialised in implants and prosthetics.

Dental Implants V/S Non-Implant Prosthetics

Dentures and bridges are options that are often considered, since they are less expensive. The dentures and bridges are also a probable cause for bone deterioration, not to mention the interference while eating, speaking and day to day activities.

Dental implants are extremely viable and are designed very precisely. It is one time investment with long-term benefits. They are expensive procedures drilled in your mouth but cost-effective in maintenance.

Dental bridges are tooth supported replacements which last no more than five to seven years. Maintenance of bridges adds up over time, increasing their viability by a few more years. Dental implants are in need of periodic adjustments but they can last a lifetime, if maintained with proper oral care and diet.

Why Dental Implants are the best Thing Happening to Your Teeth

 \Dental implants help in retaining the natural shape of your face and smile. It’s imperative that you consult a tooth replacement expert, who could guide you to the best possible treatment plan for your issues. Other prosthetics may have side effects of deforming the natural shape of your jaw or smile.

According to Dentzz Reviews, the healthy bone of your jaws is guaranteed in implant dentistry. Empty spaces left in your mouth after losing one or more teeth leads to questionable oral health. These issues present itself in the form of deterioration of the maxilla or mandible. Dental implants preserve and stimulate the natural jawbone, helping in healthy growth of the bone, preventing bone loss.

The Future of Dental Prosthetics is here

Dental implants are permanent fixtures in the mouth. Brushing, flossing and oral care for implants are carried out exactly the same way they are done for natural teeth. Dental implants also act as natural shield for your healthy teeth. They prevent the adjacent healthy teeth from misalignment, natural teeth have greater tendency to occupy empty space next to them.

Getting dental implants is the trend raging throughout the world. Implant dentistry, however is the all-seeing eye of this rage. Implant dentistry is the science and technology enabling a prosthetic to be secured by a fixture in bone, the implant, restoring the function of the missing tooth.

Dentzz Dental offers an array of dental procedures.

Dentzz Dental Care Centres are located in the prime areas of Mumbai and Delhi.
With the help of its highly skilled and reputed panel of specialist dental surgeons spanning across all fields of dentistry, an array of dental procedures, right from one sitting root canals to advanced smile makeovers, dental implants and full mouth rehabilitations are all performed under one roof at Dentzz.

How to prevent Tooth Loss? Things you must know!

Image result for how to prevent tooth loss?Just like most things in life, if you do not take proper care of your teeth, they will just go away. Tooth loss is a normal thing for kids, as they lose their milk teeth early on in their life. But an adult losing his teeth is the result of tooth decay, or some form of injury or a periodontal disease.

Previously, losing your teeth and all its chewing and biting abilities was normal as one grew older. Now, however, with newer technologies, there are various methods out there that replace missing teeth and help with oral hygiene so you don’t lose teeth in the first place.

Cause of tooth loss -|
Understanding the reasons for the loss of teeth will help you be more aware of your dental health and take better care of it. This Dentzz review lists a few things that can cause tooth loss-

  • Poor dental care

This includes not brushing your twice every day, or not using the correct techniques while brushing. This can lead to gum diseases or cavity problems. It is also advisable to visit your dentist at least twice annually to get your teeth and mouth checked out.

  • Poor nutrition

Eating a lot of sugar, acid or carbohydrate containing foods is harmful for your teeth and gums. It can lead to tooth decay.

  • Poor habits

Grinding your teeth today can have a big impact on their life span.

  • Contact sports

Contact sports can injure your jaws and cause physical damage.

Consequences of tooth loss – 
Tooth loss will obviously hinder your day to day activities and also cause health related problems. It also affects self-esteem as missing teeth can completely change how you look. Listed below in this Dentzz review are a few consequences of loss of teeth

  • Problems in speech and speaking.
  • Problems in chewing food. Even if you get dentures, you will have to avoid certain kinds of food.
  • Social anxiety, which may further lead to introvert tendencies and fear of going out.
  • Stiffening and pain in the jaw.

Tooth replacement techniques –
Technology has come a long way, you can now replace one or more of your teeth. Have a proper discussion with the dentist before deciding which is the best course to be taken-

  • Dental implants are the most common and definitely the most comfortable solution to loss of teeth.
  • Partial or complete dentures are a cheap solution that will replace your teeth effectively. They are not as comfortable as implants, however.

A fixed bridge, something that fuses 3 or more crowns together, makes your teeth look very natural

Dentzz Dental Australia Ensure the Best Standards.

Dentzz Dental Australia offers exceptional experience in dental care.
At Dentzz you get the best skills and expertise available in the country.
They offer basic treatments to advanced ones handled by expert doctors.
From a simple filling to a complete smile makeover, Dentzz Dental Australia is exceptional in their work. With best in class ambiance Dentzz offers latest equipments and procedures that help people to smile again!
Here is one of the testimonial from Dentzz Dental Australia.

Dental treatments offered by a dentist in Mumbai are the best!

Image result for dentist and smiling faceWhite teeth are seen as a sign of beauty. We all love to have white teeth since they are believed to accentuate the appearance as well as the confidence of an individual. However, with time, people tend to have bad teeth construction or might get their teeth discolored or simply broken. Today with advancements in the field of dental treatment, there are a range of cosmetic treatments available that can help you restore that smile on your face.

Image result for dentistTeeth tend to play a significant role in the appearance of an individual. This is the reason why people tend to opt for cosmetic dental treatments. Today these cosmetic treatments have become so popular that they cover a multitude of treatments. The best part is these are also easy and safe. Usually, these treatments tend to be effective and have little or no side effects. Only a top professional like a dentist in Mumbai can perform these treatments. Hence, there is nothing to worry about when getting such treatments.

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One cosmetic treatment that is done for the tooth discoloration is veneers. Veneers basically are a thin shell that is made using porcelain. This is necessary to give a good appearance to the teeth.
Those who have broken or crooked teeth might opt for a dental treatment known as dental crowns. Crowns are shaped just like the real tooth and tend to cover the broken tooth. These also keep you protected from the infection.
Third type of cosmetic treatment is the dental bridge. This is done to replace a tooth that may be lost. It is great way to restore the shape of the teeth.

Forth type of the cosmetic treatment is bonding. Bonding is used for the repairing of the gaps or the broken teeth. Filling treatment is more or less similar to the bonding treatment. In this a resin made material is used for the filling up of the gaps. Brace treatment is also used for the correction of the spacing, occlusion as well as the improper positioning of the jaw. A popular treatment known as whitening is used to beautify the teeth and change its color to shining white.

Whenever there is missing teeth, a dental implant can be a helpful method. This will aid in getting the natural appearance of the teeth back. Usually in dental implants, metal devices are placed in jaw bones. Dental bridge is a temporary solution whereas the dental implants are a permanent full proof solution to all your teeth woes. Dentures too are temporary teeth replacement solution to the problems associated with your teeth.

Lastly, shaping is another type of dental treatment. It is a process in which a tooth is reshaped by removing some portion of the enamel.

Dentist in Mumbai making smile makeovers all around!

Image result for dentist wallpaperBeing happy and confident about the way you express yourself is extremely essential in all circumstances, pretty much everything that happens in life connects with and gets influenced by how a person feels on the inside and it is a fact that if one does not feel good on the outside, they will pretty much feel the same on the inside. This implies that if you need to achieve eternal happiness and satisfaction, you should be able to control the things that bother you and change them for the better. The way one appears and the natural features of a person may be one among the few things that affect a person’s happiness and confidence.

If you are not content about the way you look or smile, you may want to have the power to change it and feel good about yourself. While it may not always be possible, being able to change the way you smile is definitely possible and it is done in India in the most professional manner possible, smile makeovers in Mumbai have become one of the most highly demanded services in the city and all those who want to change anything about the way they express their pleasure may opt for the service. While a lot of dentists and service centers may offer the service, it is important that the right place is chosen for having it done.

Image result for dentist wallpaperThe practice of putting teeth in order may be an old one, but as science and medical practices evolve, it becomes more and more important to make sure that your smile is put in the right hands and only trusted professionals carry out the expected changes. This is one reason why it makes most sense for you to choose a center that offers the best dentist in Mumbai and boasts of world class amenities as well as services. When efficient and professionally trained dentists decide to provide service to you, you may just have more reason to show off the service that you are about to get.

It is also essential to understand the different smile makeover procedures before going through with the service so that an informed decision may be taken. We no longer live in times when the doctors were the only ones that were educated.